Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thing 9


My friend Melanie talked me into getting a Wiki going at my school. I reluctantly got it started but it had a great reaction. After a flurry activity, it faded away. For a while I posted articles for comment or just "big questions" and we had some good conversation. Then we started a "What are you reading?" space and that led to a "What are you knitting?" conversation.

There hasn't been any activity for a while. When I ask, my colleagues say, "Oh, yeah...I forgot and I have been so busy." It does seem like a decadent use of time--especially at the end of the school year.

I have been asked to participate in a few other Wikis and have to admit I have the same reaction. I forget or feel like I don't have the time.


  1. I have the same feelings....seems like such a great way to collaborate, but it looses momentum. I would be interested in knowing if someone out there has used it for student learning and how it went. I could see it being a powerful tool for a classroom activity (maybe writing???).

  2. Hi Melanie,

    One thing for would never say they were too busy to spend time on the computer!

  3. True, they are so much faster and better at multitasking...I was thinking what a great place to do some experimenting with Lit. Circle discussions...keep the conversations going and expanding!

  4. Another thought I had too....wouldn't it be cool to have cross school discussions via a wiki focused on lit. circles...let's chat!
